Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sorry =(

Hey everyone,

So I am really sorry that I have not posted in a long time...I have been really busy since I have been home for Christmas.  I am going back to DeKalb tomorrow, and so I will have more time. I will try my hardest to post tomorrow night.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011 usual

Hey everyone,

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days.  Tish and I have bee trying to get packed and things figured out so I could take her to O'Hare airport today.  That was quite the trip.  I have never driven in Chicago, so it was a new, and slightly frightening experience.

We haven't done Jillian in a couple of days...we are slacking, I know, but we are going to be doing it over break, so we can pick up where we left off.

We have also been slacking on reading...I should be sending you at least Matthew 5-9 tonight and then 10 tomorrow...well I only have Matthew 5 for you right now, but at least it's something.

Matthew 5 is the Sermon on the Mount.  There are a lot of things that are talked about in this chapter, and I encourage you to take a few minutes and read it for yourself.
Scripture is a reflection of God himself as he has made his will and character known to his people.  As Christians seek to live in conformity to Scripture, they are in fact pursuing the very perfection of God.
No human is ever going to be perfect.  We are sinful natured, so it is impossible for us to be perfect.  But, when we seek to be perfect, we seek to be more like God, and that is something that we should always do.

That's all I've got for you today...sorry I have been slacking and procrastinating so much.  I will try to get some more posted tomorrow.

Thanks everyone =)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Short and Sweet

Hey everyone,

So I worked from 10am to 10pm today so I did not get a chance to post my daily blog today, so I will post one that is a little longer tomorrow.

Sorry everyone.

Friday, December 16, 2011

My Favorite

So today Tish and I will be doing day five of Jillian.  I don't actually hurt anymore which is really exciting.  That just means that I can work harder during our workout.  I haven't been doing very good with eating heather, or eating less.  I have always loved to eat, and not its really hard to eat less.

So since I don't know if everyone knows what Jillian Michael's 30-day shred is, I figured I would try and explain it to the best of my abilities.  It is a 30-day workout in which there are three levels.  You do each level for 10 days and then you move onto the next level.  After 30 days you are supposed to be in good shape and have lost weight...I don't really know if this is really true...I have never made it that far.  I will let you all know it it is true when I get there.

Tish and I read Matthew 4 last night.  This is my favorite chapter in Matthew.  This chapter talks about the temptation of Jesus, the start of Jesus' ministry, and Jesus calling His first disciples.  I specifically focus on the temptation of Jesus, because there is a lot that you can learn from that section, and my favorite verse is in that section.

The temptations are a diabolical attempt to subvert God's plan for human redemption by causing Jesus to fall into sin and disobedience, thus disqualifying him as the sinless Savior.  Jesus responds to each temptation by quoting from Deuteronomy, linking his experience to Israel's in the desert.  In Deuteronomy 8:2 Moses reminds the Israelites of God's testing through hunger and miraculous provision of manna.  The devil's quotation of Psalm 91 is a blatant misuse of scripture in an effort to manipulate Jesus.  Such a spectacular display as jumping from this great height unharmed would have gained him an enthusiastic following, but it would not have followed the Father's messianic and redemptive plan of suffering and proclaiming the kingdom of heaven.
The devil quoting scripture, while out of context, is not as miraculous or unusual as most people think.  Satan (Lucifer) is a fallen angel.  he used to be with God in Heaven.  Lucifer decided that he wanted to be as powerful, if not more powerful then God, so he started a war in Heaven...and lost.  Him and his followers were cast down from Heaven.  Satan had spent an unknown amount of time in the presence of God, so it is only natural that he knows scripture.
Jesus is part of the holy trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Jess came to earth, and took on the form of a man, and still lived a perfect sinless life.  He didn't take the easy road.  he knew that He was going to have to be ridiculed, hated, beat, and finally nailed to a cross to save the lives of all of us imperfect sinful humans.  Jesus' temptation in the desert shows that He was truly a man when He was here on earth.  Jesus was perfect in every way, and not even the devil himself could stop Jesus.

My favorite verse in this section is vs. 4, "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."
We as human beings cannot only live on what this world gives us, or what this world has, or what we as individuals have.  We need God to truly live, and have life forever.  Nothing is this world is ever going to be good enough, but God is always good enough and then more so.

I hope you got a lot out of this.  I know that I do every time that I read it.

Thanks for reading. =)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Another Day

So today marks the fourth day of Jillian Michael's 30-day shred.  Tish and I haven't done it yet, but we are going to do it soon.  I am doing ok today.  I am a little sore right above my knees (weird) and my arms hurt a little too, but no where near as much as they have the last couple of days, which makes me really happy, because that means that I am getting into some sort of shape...I guess.

We read Matthew 3 last night.  It talks about John the Baptist preparing the way for Christ, and it talks about the baptism of Christ.  John's water baptism will be superseded by the baptism associated with the Coming One.  Those who repent and trust in him will receive the blessing of the Holy Spirit, while the unrepentant will receive the judgement of eternal fire, and even the repentant may undergo a purifying fire.
We need to repent and trust in Christ.  We need to believe that He will take care of everything in our lives, He is always there, and will never leave us.  The fact that God, in front of a bunch of people, including Pharisees and Sadducees, called Jesus His Son, with whom He is pleased, should be proof enough that He is the Son of God.

I love being able to share my thoughts about what I read with everyone.  If there are ever any questions that you need some answers for, please by all means let me know, and I will try to the best of my abilities to answer them.

I may start posting about what I have been reading on my own, but I'm not quite sure yet. If you think I should please let me know.  I have been reading Romans, which is an awesome and powerful book.  Please let me know what you think.

Thanks again for all of you who are reading my blog.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Starting New

So this is my first time ever blogging, but I thought that I would try something new.  I am hoping to try posting everyday, but realistically I will probably be posting every week.  I will talk about my new weight loss endeavor, and hopefully be giving you updates on my weight loss (since I currently don't have a scale that may be a little hard).  My goal weight loss is at least 20 lbs. (for now) with my total weight loss goal being about 70 lbs.  I am 5'6 and weigh 220 lbs. (there now everyone knows) and I never feel good.  I am really out of shape and I need to get back into shape.  I used to play volleyball and softball, and I was at least somewhat fit, but I have been out of high school now for three years, and I have lost all of my stamina.  I am going to try really hard to stick with my workout and eating routine, but I know that I will not be able to do it without some encouragement from others, and help from God.

One other thing that my roommate and I have started is reading a chapter out of the Bible everyday.  We usually read these as night, then we write down what we each thought from the chapter, and then we share it with each other.  I would also like to share that with you.  Since we read at night, I will post what I got from the chapter the day after I have read it.  Please feel free to let me know what you think, and what you have learned from this chapter, if you have read it.

Today will be the third day that my roommate and I will be doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred.  It has been intense so far, but I know that it is only going to get harder.  I want to be able to go all the way through the workout this time.  We have also started trying to eat far so good.  We are simply trying to eat less of the foods that we normally eat, and eating some healthier foods when we snack.  We are also trying to cut back on the soda, which is really easy when you don't have any in your house, and have no money to go and buy any.  I also have to work today at 3 and won't get off till probably around 10 so I will be eating there, and nothing there is even close to healthy, so I don't want to eat a lot.

Last night my roommate and I (her name is Tish so I will call her that from now on) read Matthew 2.  We have decided to start studying the book of Matthew.  Matthew 2 is about the wise men coming to visit the baby Jesus, and about Joseph, Mary, and Jesus fleeing to Egypt because Herod wants to kill Jesus.  I have a study bible so I do have some notes from there.  When this chapter talks about the wise men, wise men referred to priests and experts in mysteries in Persia and Babylon, but by this time period it applied to a wide range of people whose practices included astrology, dream interpretation, study of sacred writings, the pursuit of wisdom, and magic.  It is amazing that these wise men, who were not followers of God to the point that they practiced magic, still chose to come all the way to Bethlehem (about 900 miles) to worship Christ.  This just shows the power that God has.  Also, when Mary and Joseph flee to Egypt, they continue to show their faith and trust in God, when they listed to the dreams that god sends them, and flee.
I guess I will talk about Matthew 1 too.  Matthew 1 talks about Jesus' genealogy and the birth of Jesus.  The inclusion of 5 women in Jesus' genealogy - Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary - is unusual, since descent was usually traced through men as the head of the family.  Rahab and Ruth were Gentiles, and Tamar, Rahab, and Bathsheba were women of questionable character.  The lineage is comprised of men, women, adulterers, prostitutes, heroes, and Gentiles - and Jesus will be Savior of all.  The name "Jesus" specifies what he does ("God saves"), while the messianic title "Immanuel" specifies who he is ("God with us").  The birth of Jesus is nothing short of a miracle.  No woman has ever been pregnant without sleeping with a man before Mary, and now woman ever will be again (unless God so chooses).  The fact that Mary didn't question the angel that came to her, and Joseph didn't question the angel that came to him, shows that they both have extreme faith and trust in God.

That is what I have for the first two chapters of Matthew.  I hope you find my notes helpful and enlightening.  The only way to gain understanding of what the Bible says is to read it, and pray that God will give you the understanding.  I cannot give you the answers, but I will certainly try to help.

I think that is all I have for my first ever blog.  I am sorry if it is kind of long, I am unsure of what a good blog length is supposed to be since this is my first time ever blogging.
