Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Good Morning my fellow bloggers and blog readers,

Today is day 6 of my diet, and so far I have not gone over what I am allowed to have calorie wise.  Yesterday I had so many calories left over that I was able to have a Jimmy John's sandwich.  I was so excited.  Breakfast this morning consisted of 1/8 of a cantaloupe and 1.5oz of turkey breast meat.  It was good, and filling.  The only thing that I have been slacking on this week is exercise.  I did one day of it =(...but yesterday I figured out that I have to walk up four flights of stairs to get to one of my my legs are sore from doing that.  I am clearly out of shape, but I think that those stairs will help I vow never to take the elevator in that building ever again.  I am actually enjoying this diet.  It is filled with great food, and I am never still hungry after I eat which is awesome.  I have also been going to bed a lot earlier than I usually do.  Usually between 8:30 and 10:00.  It used to be either midnight or 1:00am before made it to bed, so I am excited about that.  We will see how that holds up as I continue to get more and more homework.

I am also Stage Managing a play at our local theatre here.  The theatre is called Stage Coach Players Theatre, and the show is Jesus Christ Superstar.  I am so excited for this opportunity.  I get to do something that I love to do, and the I am actually getting my degree in, which makes me very happy.  We are in our second week of rehearsals and everything is going great.  We are still learning the music, but everyone sounds excellent.  They all get to start learning their choreography on Saturday which will be fun to watch.  I can't wait to see the entire show come together, but I will just have to wait until March to see that happen.

Thanks again for reading and keeping up with my blog.  I appreciate all of the support.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Good evening everyone,

So today was the third day on my new diet and exercise routine, and I am proud to say that so far I am doing great.  I have even lost 3lbs (that may be because I used a different scale).  Most of my meals have consisted of cottage cheese (the low fat kind), some sort of fruit, some sort of vegetable, and some sort of carbohydrate.  I even got to have some bacon yesterday.  My consistent hunger is not so strong today as it was a couple of days ago, and I can feel my exercises in my arms.  They are sore today.  This coming week is going to be difficult, because my Christmas break is over and I go back to school tomorrow.  Trying to stay on this diet through school, rehearsals, work, and homework is going to be really tough, but I think that I can do it.  I am really determined.  I am tired of being looked at as the girl who can be a good friend, but never as someone to have a serious relationship with. Do you know what I mean?  I have always been a little on the heavy side, and I have always been looked down upon for that.  I have overcome it time and time again, and this time I am to do something about it.  I want to be healthy for me...not for the person who says that size 0 looks good, even when that person is definitely not as health as I am.  I want to be healthy so that I don't have to catch my breath when I walk up a flight of stairs.  This is for me and no one else.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Hello all of you people out there,

Today is the 11th of January in the year 2013.  It has been almost exactly a year since I have posted something on here, and I have decided that I need to start doing so again.  This is the year that I am going to lose weight.  Today I started a new diet, and thus far...I am really hungry.  1 flour tortilla, 2oz of cheddar cheese, and 1/8 of a cantalope was breakfast today, and not looking much better for the rest of the day.

I have started using an online weight loss tracker called SparkPeople.  It has optional meal plans and exercise routines.  I will be following all of these, because I know that if I don't I won't actually do any better.  I currently weigh in at 235lbs.  I am not afraid to admit it.  This new diet and workout regiment is supposed to help me be 135lbs. by December 20th.  The exciting thing is that my roommate is also doing the same diet so we are going to try and lose weight together, so we can be there as support for each other.  I am really excited about this, and I will stick to this.  I am super determined this time.  Thanks for all of the support all of you give me everyday.  Thanks. =)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A New Year

Hey everyone,

I am really sorry that I haven't been posting anything in awhile.  I have been slacking at posting, working out, and reading my bible. 

I have stopped doing Jillian Michael's Thirty Day Shred.  It was just a little too much for me right now.  I have started walking with one of my friends here in DeKalb.  It has only been a couple of days, but I can feel it in my legs already.  I may also start some light weight training with her too, but I am not sure yet.  I have never liked weight lifting, but I think that this may be good for me.

Tish and I also tried to start weight watchers...and it lasted all of about a day.  It is really hard to do weight watchers when you have food that is not really good for you, or small enough portions to be a few points, and also be big enough to make you not feel hungry any more.  I think that I am going to try again in February when I go for my big grocery run.  I am going to try and buy the weight watchers food, and see if it goes better that way.

I have also been reading a book called God's Big Picture.  It is a book that helps you read the Bible as one big uniform book, rather then a bunch of different little books that can be read haphazardly and at random.  I have read 3 1/2 chapters so far.  It is set up so that you read a chapter, or a half of a chapter in the case of chapter 4 and then do some study questions.  I have really enjoyed reading it so far, and I have been learning a lot from it.
I have not been actually reading and studying anything else in the Bible though, and I am not really sure what to read.  Because of some advice from a friend I decided to postpone my study of Romans, and am trying to figure out what to read.  I am thinking about reading and studying Ephesians, but I'm not sure.  If you have suggestions please let me know.

I apologize again for not posting in so long. 

Thank you for reading.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sorry =(

Hey everyone,

So I am really sorry that I have not posted in a long time...I have been really busy since I have been home for Christmas.  I am going back to DeKalb tomorrow, and so I will have more time. I will try my hardest to post tomorrow night.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011 usual

Hey everyone,

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days.  Tish and I have bee trying to get packed and things figured out so I could take her to O'Hare airport today.  That was quite the trip.  I have never driven in Chicago, so it was a new, and slightly frightening experience.

We haven't done Jillian in a couple of days...we are slacking, I know, but we are going to be doing it over break, so we can pick up where we left off.

We have also been slacking on reading...I should be sending you at least Matthew 5-9 tonight and then 10 tomorrow...well I only have Matthew 5 for you right now, but at least it's something.

Matthew 5 is the Sermon on the Mount.  There are a lot of things that are talked about in this chapter, and I encourage you to take a few minutes and read it for yourself.
Scripture is a reflection of God himself as he has made his will and character known to his people.  As Christians seek to live in conformity to Scripture, they are in fact pursuing the very perfection of God.
No human is ever going to be perfect.  We are sinful natured, so it is impossible for us to be perfect.  But, when we seek to be perfect, we seek to be more like God, and that is something that we should always do.

That's all I've got for you today...sorry I have been slacking and procrastinating so much.  I will try to get some more posted tomorrow.

Thanks everyone =)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Short and Sweet

Hey everyone,

So I worked from 10am to 10pm today so I did not get a chance to post my daily blog today, so I will post one that is a little longer tomorrow.

Sorry everyone.